The original project was aimed at providing year 4 students in low decile schools in our district with their own dictionary. As students with low literacy skills are found in all schools, many clubs link with schools with higher deciles and students above Year 4. The dictionary is seen as a gift to each child that will be taken into the home and become a reference for all family members.
D9930 PDG Geoff Mathis (2008-2009) adopted the project as a special emphasis on Literacy and it was enthusiastically taken up by all the clubs of the district. The success of the project is proven with over 23,000 dictionaries presented to students in D9930 schools to date. The project fits well with Rotary International’s drive for ‘literacy development’ to be a major goal worldwide
Current price per dictionary to clubs - $10 (incl GST). Orders must be placed by Downloading the form at the bottom of this page.
As transport costs to the club are not covered, clubs are responsible for collection from storage in Putaruru, and are required to sign a receipt on collection. An invoice is sent to the club by the District Treasurer.
(Usborne Dictionary Project)
The Dictionary project was instigated in the 2008-9 Rotary year following an initiative of Past RI President Bill Boyd who had seen the benefits of a similar project in the USA during his year of Presidency. Bill’s club (Pakuranga) in D9920 adopted the project and organises it on a nationwide basis.
To date dictionaries with a retail value of nearly $3 million have been distributed throughout New Zealand.
Please Click here to Download order form then send filled out form to Judith Bennett
An invoice will be sent to your Club by District Treasurer.
District Contact