ROTARY DOWN UNDER SUPPLIES: GRAPHICS: Rotary Down Under now have a website for online purchase of all of our suppliers
, if you haven't visited the site it's located at ..
GRAPHICS: If you are involved in any form of Rotary Public image activity you know the importance of using graphics and photos. This website has a
Graphics Library where you will find a large collection of Rotary related graphics.
PHOTOS: This website has a Photo Gallery which includes images specifically related to District 9930. The gallery is constantly changing and growing. The Rotary International Website has a
Library of Photos which can be downloaded and used in bulletins, websites etc. The photo-sharing website
Flickr is also an excellent source for Rotary photos. Below you will find the link to Rotary photos on
Flickr. While the Rotary area in
Flickr contains an extensive collection of good images it is by no means the only area in
Flickr where you will find Rotary photos. Just enter a keyword in the search box such as "Shelterbox" or "Rotaract" or "St Jude School" and you'll find many more Rotary images.
GOOGLE IMAGES: Every computer user is familiar with using
Google to search for information on virtually any topic, but you may not be aware that it is also an excellent source for graphics and photos. The process for finding images on
Google is essentially the same as searching for general information. Entering the subject on which you would like to find a graphic or photo and click on "images" just below the search box. A collection of hundreds of related images will appear. Most of these images can be saved or copied with a simple right-click of your mouse. IMPORTANT TIP: When saving an image on
Google first click on the image to open a full view and then click on "view image". You now have the full-size image which can be saved. If you save only the small image that appears on the original screen you will save only the thumbnail version which is usually too small to be used in your bulletin or website.
VIDEOS: You will find a wealth of great Rotary videos in two key locations.
YouTube and
Vimeo. Most of these videos are short and ideal for insertion in a Powerpoint presentation embedded in a club website or Facebook page. Most of the videos can be downloaded, and those that can not be downloaded can still be made available to others simply by providing a URL link to the
YouTube or
Vimeo page.
TWITTER: Twitter is a vast social network which enables people to communicate with short messages called "tweets" that are limited to 140 characters. Rotary International uses
Twitter to provide instant communication of a range of topics important to Rotarians. What to always be up with the latest news on the Rotary front?
Twitter is where you'll find it.
LINKEDIN: Linkedin is the world's largest professional social network site with over 300 million members. It is where you will find a lot of Rotarians and where you will discover a group that is specifically devoted to Rotary activities with over 53,000 members. You do not have to be a
Linkedin member to view the group activities however membership is required to participate in the group.
Linkedin is also the place where Rotarians connect on a professional level and are where Rotary's focus on Vocational Service is enhanced.
Linkedin membership is free. In the left column of this page, you will see a link to
FACEBOOK: Many clubs have discovered that is an effective way to communicate with their members, and in many cases, Facebook has replaced the traditional club bulletin. Rotary International also has a Facebook page and postings on that page can be instantly linked to a clubs Facebook page. In the left column will find a link to the Rotary International Facebook Not only does Facebook provide a vehicle for immediate communication but it also provides an opportunity for members and friends to provide feedback as well as pass on club information to their friends and contacts. Facebook is a powerful public image tool.