J R McKenzie Youth Education Fund in District 9930
The late Sir John McKenzie (a Rotarian) so appreciated the success of McKenzies stores in this country and
the support given him by the people of New Zealand that he founded the J R McKenzie Youth Education Fund
to help deserving young people to receive primary and intermediate education. Not pre-school.
It was set up in 1938 with its main objective being to assist in the betterment, education, advancement and physical welfare of the youth in the community particularly in cases where bereavement, sickness or family disturbances leave the children in the need of assistance if they are to continue their studies.
the support given him by the people of New Zealand that he founded the J R McKenzie Youth Education Fund
to help deserving young people to receive primary and intermediate education. Not pre-school.
It was set up in 1938 with its main objective being to assist in the betterment, education, advancement and physical welfare of the youth in the community particularly in cases where bereavement, sickness or family disturbances leave the children in the need of assistance if they are to continue their studies.
Since its inception thousands of young New Zealanders have received assistance by way of school uniforms, clothing, footwear, spectacles, hearing aids, school stationery, text books and therapy.
The Fund wishes to help where death, sickness, family breakup or economic hardship causes difficulty for young people and their caregivers to meet the costs of their primary and intermediate education.
Applications must be related to a young person’s education. The Fund will not cover general tuition fees unless there are unusual circumstances.
The Fund is administered in our District by a committee comprising of four Hubs centred roughly upon Bay of Plenty, Waikato, Rotorua and East Coast geographical areas. Each Hub processes applications from its own area ensuring rapid responses to applications after considering the degree of
hardship and seeing evidence of a degree of self-help and then distributes grants through the local Rotary clubs.
Applications will be accepted from such organisations as Schools, NZ Police, Health workers, NGOs, Budget Advisory Services, medical professionals and various trusts assisting families in need.
Local Rotary clubs hold application forms and will be able to advise you as to eligibility and offer advice.
Hub administrators:
Elizabeth Dunn Email: edunn@outlook.co.nz
Phone: 021 0238154
Tony Richardson Email: wootha@kinect.co.nz
Phone: 021 943720
Corolyn Stephenson Email: Stephenson.tearoha@xtra.co.nz
Phone: 027 4741366
BOP: :
Bev Tagg Email: bev.tagg@xtra.co.nz.
Phone: 027 2854066
East Coast:
Ken Haines Email: kennin@xtra.co.nz
Phone: 029 4443322
Greig Mercer Email: greig.mercer@gmail.com
Phone: 027 5268676
Ray Kitchen Email: the.kitchens@xtra.co.nz
Phone: 027 2854669
The Fund wishes to help where death, sickness, family breakup or economic hardship causes difficulty for young people and their caregivers to meet the costs of their primary and intermediate education.
Applications must be related to a young person’s education. The Fund will not cover general tuition fees unless there are unusual circumstances.
The Fund is administered in our District by a committee comprising of four Hubs centred roughly upon Bay of Plenty, Waikato, Rotorua and East Coast geographical areas. Each Hub processes applications from its own area ensuring rapid responses to applications after considering the degree of
hardship and seeing evidence of a degree of self-help and then distributes grants through the local Rotary clubs.
Applications will be accepted from such organisations as Schools, NZ Police, Health workers, NGOs, Budget Advisory Services, medical professionals and various trusts assisting families in need.
Local Rotary clubs hold application forms and will be able to advise you as to eligibility and offer advice.
Hub administrators:
Elizabeth Dunn Email: edunn@outlook.co.nz
Phone: 021 0238154
Tony Richardson Email: wootha@kinect.co.nz
Phone: 021 943720
Corolyn Stephenson Email: Stephenson.tearoha@xtra.co.nz
Phone: 027 4741366
BOP: :
Bev Tagg Email: bev.tagg@xtra.co.nz.
Phone: 027 2854066
East Coast:
Ken Haines Email: kennin@xtra.co.nz
Phone: 029 4443322
Greig Mercer Email: greig.mercer@gmail.com
Phone: 027 5268676
Ray Kitchen Email: the.kitchens@xtra.co.nz
Phone: 027 2854669
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