The Paul Harris Fellow recognition was established in 1957 to show appreciation to encourage, and recognise, substantial contributions to The Rotary Foundation. The recognition is named after Chicago attorney, Paul Harris (1868-1947) who founded Rotary in 1905.
An amount of US$1,000 was established as the contribution level in 1957 and has not changed over the years. At the time this was a very substantial contribution equivalent to over US$9,000 today. The recognition is accompanied with a pin and certificate. Today subsequent contributions of US$1,000 are acknowledged by adding gemstones to the PHF pin, up to the Major Donor level of US$10,000. Rotarians who make an annual giving commitment of US$1,000 are recognised as members of the Paul Harris Society.
How successful was the Paul Harris Fellow as a fundraising strategy for the Foundation? Today the Rotary Foundation raises over US$70,000,000 annually with 80% of those funds coming from Paul Harris Fellow contributions!
Currently there are over 1,500,000 Paul Harris Fellows. They are the backbone of the annual support to The Rotary Foundation with their donations serving as a primary reason that Rotarians are able to carry on the humanitarian efforts of the Foundation. Rotarians worldwide proudly wear the PHF pin as a symbol of the good The Rotary Foundation does in their community and in the world.
Over the years Rotarians have also used the Paul Harris Fellow to honour others. In 1978 Ida Taylor became of Paul Harris Fellow when her husband made a donation in her name in honour of their 34th wedding anniversary. She became the 25,000th Paul Harris Fellow. What better way to show appreciation for another person than to honour them with gift that achieves so much good in the world? Rotarians have honoured their fellow club members, local leaders, and even other organisations through the contribution of a Paul Harris Fellow.
Rotarians celebrate each of the Paul Harris Fellow milestones for what it represents. Each of these gifts to The Rotary Foundation creates an opportunity for Rotarians to do even more good in the world!
District 9930 Rotarians who wish to become a Paul Harris Fellow, and clubs who wish to recognise an individual with a Paul Harris Fellow, can do so by accumulating 1000 Rotary Foundation Recognition points in their individual, or club, account representing a contribution of US$1,000 to The Rotary Foundation. Contributions should be made through your club Treasurer. Contributions made in New Zealand dollars will be converted to US dollars by the Foundation at an exchange rate which is set monthly. The District Foundation Administrator can advice you on the current exchange rate. Please allow one month from the date the contribution for the Foundation Recognition points to be credited to your individual or club account.
When the Foundation Recognition points have been recorded, an application of a Paul Harris Fellow may be made by downloading the Paul Harris Fellow application form and sending it to the address shown on the form.
Any questions regarding Paul Harris Fellows may be directed to the District Foundation Administrator whose contact details appear on this webpage..