The twelve assistant governors in District 9930 are responsible for assisting the District Governor by liaising with clubs in their relevant areas, interacting with other AGs/district leaders and helping promote Rotary International and Rotary Foundation programmes within the district.
Click here for a list of Clubs and Areas
The assistant governors report directly to the district governor who provides the formal link to the various district committees. While having no direct relationship with district committees, AGs may be called on by the DG to assist in this area and in any event provide an effective liaison with the district committee chairs. Joint meetings will be held and combined with annual training.
Assistant governors are chosen in accordance with the criteria laid down in the Rotary International guidelines. They have had at least three years club membership, have served as a president, are willing, have demonstrated outstanding performance and have future leadership potential. The District Governor Elect appoints them after consultation with recent Past District Governors
Click here to download the current District's Assistant Governors