Discover - RI Foundation Chair
Ray Klinginsmith
Rotary Foundation Chair 2015-16
Rotary Club of Kirksville
Missouri, USA

Ray Klinginsmith, a retired attorney, served as general counsel, professor of business administration, and dean of administration for Truman State University. He was director of the Macon Atlanta State Bank in Macon, Missouri, from 1971 to 2008, and is a director emeritus of the bank and a director of the bank holding company. He is president emeritus of the Chariton Valley Association for Handicapped Citizens. He holds the Great Rivers Council of the Boy Scouts of America's Silver Beaver Award.
A Rotarian since 1961, Klinginsmith has served RI as president, director, Foundation vice chair and trustee, RI Board Executive Committee member, Council on Legislation chair, International Assembly moderator, RI Convention committee chair, and district governor. He is the first Ambassadorial Scholarships alumnus to serve on the RI Board of Directors.
Klinginsmith is a recipient of The Rotary Foundation's Citation for Meritorious Service and its Distinguished Service Award. He and his wife, Judie, are Major Donors to The Rotary Foundation.