Our club has been going strong since 1947.
Since then our band of guys and gals of all ages has done a great deal of good in the community and had fun doing it!

Thanks to the our Rotary club, Thames has fabulous gardens at the public hospital, a cool refurbished park in front of the town library, a deck on the Plunkett rooms, an attractive fence on the frontage of the Treasury building, a much used barbeque at Kuranui bay, drinking fountain at the new playground in town, and several cardiac defibrillators have been donated in public places for emergency use.
As w
ell all those gifts to our marvelous community Thames Rotary has an emphasis on helping our future generations make the most of their potential. We work with police and social agencies to put together fishing trips and life skills courses. Young people are put forward for Rotary student exchange and summer school programmes. We also encourage our high achievers with leadership courses from weekend to full week camps.
We have always helped following disasters overseas and extended that post earthquake to Christchurch and Kaikoura over the past few years. We contribute every year to eradicating Polio in the world (in conjunction with UNESCO and WHO).
In order to finance these benefits for our community, we carry out projects such as the Thames Market Day, stage sausage sizzles and raffles, provide assistance with Thames Race Days and run Bowls tournaments.

Why don’t you join us – we meet weekly for breakfast, venue and contact details are on the right-hand side of this page. Morning meetings have the advantage of a definitive end time so that members who have to go to work or an appointment can commit to that. You would be most welcome