Rotorua West was chartered in 1965 and is one of the four Rotary clubs in bustling Rotorua. We meet Thursdays for an excellent dinner with lots of fun and fellowship and a keynote speaker every fortnight. The club moved to the historic Princes Gate Hotel in 1981. This fabulous boutique hotel has become a special home to us for more than thirty years and is worth a visit on its own.
With Rotorua at the centre of Maori culture and the Tourism industry we welcome visitors and frequently have international and out of town Rotarians visit us for dinner. All are most interesting people to meet and learn from. If you are in Rotorua we would love to meet you. Call in and have a meal with us on Thursdays.
Currently the club’s iconic annual projects are the ‘Peter Reynolds Art Exhibition’ in support of Hospice Rotorua and the ‘Rotorua West Charity Golf Tournament’ in aid of St John Rotorua. Both raise significant sums from the generous Rotorua Community. We also have a special interest in helping young performers with talent. Many smaller projects are run throughout the year, not always to raise funds, but provide a lot of fun while supporting the community.
We have just under forty active men and women members who represent an excellent cross section of the Rotorua community representing many of the movers and shakers in the business, trades and professional world. Partners are always included for club meetings and project activities.
Maybe you would like to join us as a member to join in the fun and service work. Just contact the club.