The Rotary club of Hamilton East was charted in 1960, and currently has 48 members.
The club is involved in, and a strong supporter of a range of activities:
- Local schools, via activities such as dictionaries in schools, grants via the JR McKenzie Trust, and the summer science school programmes
- Youth exchanges, involving both outgoing and incoming secondary school students
- Ambassadorial and Peace Scholars studying at Waikato University
- We organise a farm trip for foreign students studying at Waikato University each year
- Provide funds to a range of charities, and help local charities collect funds
- Sponsors young people to courses such as RYPEN, RYLA, and Outward Bound
- Supports the Patricia Avenue School for special needs students

The club is a strong supporter of the Rotary Foundation and particularly Rotary's Polio eradication programme. Over half the club members are Paul Harris Fellows – an honour awarded by the club in recognition of community service.

We have a number of fund raising activities, with the main two being our horse racing night, and the Rotary Wheels on Waikato.
Our club meeting offer good fellowship and excellent speakers. Visitors and prospective members are always welcome!