The newly elected Community Leaders from throughout New Zealand met in Auckland over the weekend of the 8-9 June.
This was the first opportunity for the group to get together face to face and undertake training for their new roles. Nick Dangerfield and Pat Armstrong, the Learning and Development Leads for the Regionalisation Pilot took the Rotary Community Leaders (RCLs) through a number of breakout sessions over the two days to prepare them to facilitate Growth Plan Workshops with Club leaders in each of their Community Groups.
These will be held during July and August. The workshop was a good opportunity for the cohort to share their knowledge, ideas and to meet RI President Gordon McInally and his wife Heather over morning tea.
Photo: District Governor Elect Nick Dangerfield, Rotary Community Leader Carmen Goodwin, Rotary Community Leader Hywel Bowen, Rotary International President Gordon McInally and Heather, Rotary Community Leader Janine Branson and, Rotary Community Leader Grant Spackman.