How many charities can you think of that return some of the money you donate to you to spend?! The Rotary Foundation (TRF) does just that. Visit our grants page to see how your club can apply for the various Rotary Foundation Grants. Read on to see where you can direct your donations and how TRF recognises your giving.
The four funds of The Rotary Foundation
1. The Annual Fund-SHARE (AF)
Through the SHARE system, contributions to The Rotary Foundation are transformed into grants that fund local and international humanitarian projects, scholarships, peace centres, vocational training teams, and more. At the end of every Rotary year, contributions directed to the Annual Fund-SHARE from all the clubs in the district are divided between the World Fund and the District Designated Fund (DDF), after 5% is deducted for operating expenses. District Designated Fund is returned to each district every year to be spent as directed by the District Rotary Foundation Committee. Up to 50% of this DDF is allocated to district grants which is made available to all clubs.
The AF balance remains in the World Fund which is available to all Rotary districts in the form of global grants. Global Grants are used to fund projects that exceed US$30,000 total budget and involve clubs or districts in at least two countries.
2. PolioPlus
PolioPlus is the fund designated to fulfil Rotary’s commitment to eradicate polio world-wide. (While End Polio Now is Rotary's awareness and promotion campaign)

Contributions to PolioPlus are currently matched 2:1 by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation provided TRF raises US$50 million each year. Rotarians celebrate and promote, World Polio Day on 24 October each year and clubs are encouraged to hold polio fundraising events around this time. Send details to the Polio Committee so they can promote and publicise your event.
In 2024 D9930 launched its PolioPlus Society where members commit to donate US$100 to the PolioPlus, every year until polio is eliminated. To join just set up an automatic annual payment for the equivalent of US$100. A PolioPlus Society badge is available from the Polio Chair.
3. The Endowment Fund
The Endowment Fund (previously referred to as The Permanent Fund) ensures that future Rotarians will have the resources they need to design and implement sustainable projects, for perpetuity. While most contributions to this fund come from wills and estates, individuals and clubs are encouraged to consider contributing to the Endowment Fund as part of their giving today.
The Rotary Foundation has a goal that the Endowment Fund will reach 2025 by 2025, that's US$2.025 billion by 2025.
Clubs with bequeathed, or excess, funds may consider establishing a named fund through The Rotary Foundation. This means the club's funds support the work of the Foundation for perpetuity while avoiding the administration of such a trust fund.
Rotarians considering donating or bequesting to the Endowment Fund are advised to speak to our Endowments and Major Gifts Chair or our DRFC Chair to discuss the best way to direct your gift(s).
4. The Disaster Response Fund
The Disaster Response Fund provides rapid-response grants of up to US$25,000 following a major disaster, provided there is money in the Fund. Our district has to date received grants from this fund twice, in 2022 (Cyclone Gabrielle) and 2024 (Wairoa floods). Rotarians and clubs are encouraged to consider donating to this fund.
Other funds
The Rotary Foundation does, in exceptional circumstances, establish other funds to support specific crises e.g. the Ukrainian war, the Pakistan floods. Details can be found at
Global grants
Rotarians and clubs can direct their financial support to a particular global grant project, or Area of Focus. Please discuss with one of the team on the left for further information.
In addition to financial support for the Foundation, there are many opportunities to personally participate in TRF projects. Indeed, many Rotarians have found their highest rewards come from involvement in local and overseas Foundation projects.
Donor recognition
The trustees of The Rotary Foundation recognise donors to express their gratitude for their commitment, offering individual and club recognition as well as naming opportunities that enable donors to honour a friend or family member with a named or endowed gift.
A full list of recognition levels can be found here but on this page we highlight recognition levels that we believe every Rotarian in our district could aspire to.
Every Rotarian, Every Year (EREY)
Every Rotarian is asked to commit to EREY by supporting the TRF to at least US$25 to the Annual Fund every year. Clubs who have 100% EREY of their fee-paying members can be recognised as an EREY club.
Members who commit to donating NZ$100 every year to any of the four TRF funds. Please advise/discuss with, our Centurion Chair so they can arrange for you to receive a Centurion pin.
Sustaining Member
A sustaining member is one who commits to donating US$100 every year to the Annual Fund.
Members who include the Endowment Fund as a beneficiary of US$1,000-9,999 in their estate plans/wills or, those who donate this amount to the Endowment Fund outright are recognised as Benefactors. Benefactors receive a certificate and insignia to wear with a Rotary or Paul Harris Fellow pin. Please speak to our Endowments and Major Gifts Chair or our DRFC Chair before bequeathing to TRF.
Paul Harris Fellow

This is recognition of a contributions of US$1000 to the Annual Fund, PolioPlus, or an approved Foundation grant. This may be a single payment or an accumulation of Foundation giving. Incremental US$1000 contributions are acknowledged with sapphire or ruby pins until major donor status is reached.
To recognise someone else as a Paul Harris Fellow, individuals or clubs can give that amount in their name. Learn about the history of the Paul Harris Fellow recognition here. For more information on applying for or presenting a PHF click here.
Paul Harris Society
Membership recognises Rotarians who commit to donating US$1000 to Annual Fund, PolioPlus, or an approved Foundation grant. Members receive a chevron to attach to PHF or other donor recognition badge. To learn more click here.
Major donors
Members whose contributions/estate commitments reach US$10,000 are termed 'major donors'. There are many levels of recognition. Please visit for more information.
Any member wishing to become a major donor are advised to discuss with the District Endowments and Major Gift Chair or the DRFC Chair.
To arrange a speaker on Giving and Recognition please contact our Endowments and Major Gifts Chair or our DRFC Chair .